Frequently Asked Questions

Please refer to the FAQs below for any questions you may have. If you still have a question not listed here, you can contact Customer Support listed on the page.

General Information About Licensing from PotlatchDeltic
PotlatchDeltic is licensing its land to establish a more formal relationship with those who use our land, and reduce the amount of road damage, trash dumping, and timber damage. We know that those of you who license our land will help take care of it.
For those interested in licensing land, you should:
  • Review the License Policies that apply to the properties to familiarize yourself with the program and expectations of licensees
  • Review Frequently Asked Questions
  • Review Available Licenses
  • If interested in a property, you can apply for that tract by calling the Customer Support line or submitting an email request to the provided email. In the email, please advise if you are requesting to view the property or license without viewing. Please include the RLU#. :
    • Applicants will be notified by email.
    • Approved applicants will be given a License Number and Personal Identification Number (PIN). They will then use this to access their account online where they will submit additional documentation.
    • For the southern states, clubs will be required to submit a certificate of non-profit incorporation along with a list of club members. Individuals will not be required to be incorporated.
    • In Minnesota, camps can be incorporated, but are not required to be. Camps will be asked to enter and maintain a list of members.
    • PotlatchDeltic reserves the right to refuse to license to anyone.
    • Membership lists must be updated annually.
  • To be automatically notified about our next license offering, you can submit your contact information to be notified about future licenses.
Reviewing license applications can take a few weeks. Both successful and declined applicants will be notified regarding their status. There is no need for applicants to contact PotlatchDeltic during this time period.
Subleasing, commercial hunting, or selling of hunting rights is not allowed and will result in cancellation of the license.
Each tract is evaluated separately based on such things as habitat diversity, presence of all-weather roads, presence of open water, adjacency, current market prices for recreational licenses, etc.
License prices will be reviewed every year. Because the price of nearly everything increases with inflation over time, you can expect some license price increase as well.
In order to apply for a license, you simply fill out the online application. Successful applicants will be notified. PotlatchDeltic reserves the right to refuse to license to anyone, including those with a wildlife violation. A current membership list is required for all clubs licensing from PotlatchDeltic.
PotlatchDeltic will determine the size of the tract to be licensed, depending on property boundaries, roads, streams and rivers, rights-of-way, etc. We will not break up tracts of adjacent land into many small license parcels.
Typically, neighboring and local landowners or groups who have historically hunted a property will be given preference when making licensing decisions. A club or individual who has been known to abuse a property, or has a history of wildlife violations, will be excluded from consideration for a license. PotlatchDeltic reserves the right to refuse to license to anyone, including those with a wildlife violation.
Yes, however, in Minnesota, applicants are limited to three tracts.
PotlatchDeltic land is not open for recreation if it is not licensed. Most PotlatchDeltic hunting properties that are licensed will be posted, but it is up to the license holder to decide if they want it posted or not.
Yes, if you pay the license fee, you are free to decide whether or not you wish to hunt.
The map available on this website should provide guidance to the location of the property. We also GPS points that identify the center point of the license tract. In addition, PotlatchDeltic generally uses colored paint to identify outside boundary lines.
The license term will be for the entire year.
  • Arkansas: beginning on May 1 and expiring the next year on April 30.
  • Mississippi: beginning on July 1 and expiring the next year on June 30.
  • Alabama: beginning on July 1 and expiring the next year on June 30.
Licenses will be given the opportunity to renew license the property each year as long as the parcel remains in the license program, abide by the License Policies and pay their annual license fees.
  • Any size parcel can be licensed, although there is a minimum license fee to offset administrative costs.
  • PotlatchDeltic will determine the size of the tract to be licensed, depending on property boundaries, roads, streams and rivers, rights-of-way, etc. We will not break up tracts of adjacent land into many small license parcels.
  • In the southern states, we define a hunting club as simply a group of people who wish to hunt together and pool their money to license a piece of property. Camps are required to be legally incorporated if you have more than one member.
Licensees have exclusive access to the land, but are encouraged to work with neighbors and others who have historically used the land for other recreational activities.
Licensees have exclusive access to the licensed tract, and do not have to allow any access to others. However, licensees will find it is in their best interest to get along with their neighbors, and are strongly encouraged to work with them to allow access for incidental activities that do not interfere with hunting.
Because growing and harvesting trees is an important part of PotlatchDeltic's natural resource business, it is necessary to harvest timber or conduct other forest management activities at any time of the year.
  • Licensee, hunting camp members and guests enter PotlatchDeltic property at their own risk. Licensee, hunting camp/club members and guests shall hold PotlatchDeltic free and harmless from any and all claims.
  • PotlatchDeltic will furnish a liability insurance policy that covers both PotlatchDeltic and the licensee.
Yes, selling land that is licensed can occur. If we determine that a tract of land will be listed for sale, the license holder will be notified of the listing and in some cases, pending sale. When the notification is of a listing, it is not a 'first right of refusal' to buy the property, but simply a notification that it will be for sale so that the license holder can pursue a purchase if interested. License holders will be notified of an impending sale of all or part of their license.
Must Obtain Own Access means that the RLU does not have legal access and you must obtain your own access to view or license the property. Meaning, you must obtain permission to access the property through an adjoining landowner on your own for the license term.

Common Questions from Licensees
  • In the Southern states: Any access issues on licensed lands will be addressed appropriately with each individual Licensee.
  • In the Southern states: Yes, license tracts may be posted. Licensee may post the premises against trespass in accordance with the laws of the state where the tract is located to the extent of the rights granted by the license.
  • Portable deer stands are encouraged. Freestanding stands are allowed. At any time of the year, however, it may become necessary for PotlatchDeltic to conduct activities including, but not limited to, road building, logging, site preparation, or tree planting on the licensed property. PotlatchDeltic will not be responsible for damages to temporary structures or inconveniences to licensees due to these activities.
  • No stands will be nailed or stapled to any standing timber. Stands are also not allowed within 50 yards of a private property line without written permission from the adjoining private landowner.
  • In the Southern states, Deer Stands are not allowed on Company Roads. Our policy states 'Hunting and/or shooting within 50 yards from the centerline of an improved, company-owned road is not allowed. This also includes shooting across company roads. An improved, company-owned road refers to any road that can be driven throughout most of the year. These roads may or may not have a gravel surface, but they are generally maintained for vehicle travel. This does not include timber access roads that are not being maintained.
  • In Southern states: Please check appropriate state agency baiting regulations to determine if feeding is allowed on licensed land.
Gates will be allowed only with PotlatchDeltic's permission on a case-by-case basis, and must be built to PotlatchDeltic specifications. Under no circumstances are cables, chains, or ropes to be used to restrict access. Use of cables, chains, ropes or other similar restrictions may be grounds for license cancellation.
ATVs are allowed, but only on existing roads. Building new ATV trails, abusing existing roads, or driving off roads causes erosion and damages the land, and will not be tolerated by PotlatchDeltic. ATV users should abide by the state and local laws that the tract is in with regards to the use of ATV's. Be aware that new public agency policies may affect ATV use near and adjacent to PotlatchDeltic licenses.
No commercial trees can be cut to establish shooting lanes. Licensees will be allowed to cut brush, however, to open shooting lanes. If you are in doubt as to whether the plants in question are commercial trees or brush, do not cut!
  • PotlatchDeltic does not guarantee a camping spot on every license tract. Because of weather conditions and the nature of some roads, camping may not be possible on every license tract.
  • In Southern States: Camping is allowed only if a Campsite License is granted. All Campsites must be approved by PotlatchDeltic personnel prior to any camping activity. Additional fees will apply if campsite requests are approved.
Please use the contact information found on the contact us page that is appropriate for the state that the tract you are inquiring about is in.
No permanent structures or buildings may be placed on PotlatchDeltic land. Temporary structures such as deer stands or blinds are allowed within guidelines. Other temporary structures such as tents or trailers may be placed on the property.
  • In the southern states, these temporary structures are allowed only if a Campsite License is granted and can only be on the property after September 1 and must be removed before April 30.
Incorporation type Required: Domestic Nonprofit Corporation. Please visit your Secretary of State website for more information :
  • State of ALABAMA
  • State of ARKANSAS
  • The club needs to be incorporated before the license can be executed
  • A club must at least show the paperwork process has begun for incorporation
  • A name reservation showing they were in the process, is acceptable, but we must have incorporation documents sent in to us within a timely manner there after (maximum 2 weeks)
  • Discounts are not offered for current or retired military personnel.

    Technical Support
    For best performance, we recommend that you use Chrome or Internet Explorer.
    You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to download the license documents. If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can download it for free from:

    You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to download the license documents. If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can download it for free from:


    Club Related Questions

    Account Related Questions

    Customer Support

    For licensing questions or technical support, contact:

    : [email protected]

    : 980-430-6154

    : Monday - Friday, 8AM - 5 PM (Eastern Time)

    Want to get notified when properties are available for licensing? Sign up for our mailing list.
    Email provided here will not be sold or used for any communication other than for notifications about available properties for license.
    By clicking "Subscribe" above, you agree that you have read and understand PotlatchDeltic's Privacy Policy.

    All information placed on the website is for informational purposes only. No information herein constitutes an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy any security with respect to any fund or to provide any investment advice.